Meet my fabulous editor of Going Barefoot in Greener Grass, KM Krick!
Today I interview her and ask difficult, thought provoking, deeply philosophical questions. Ha! Not so much! But this interview is perfect for anyone considering hiring an editor or even becoming one. If you're looking for an editor, KM Krick (also known as Kathy) is affordable, thorough and best of all, personable.
~ The Interview ~
Me: Welcome Kathy to All Things Audry! I'm so happy to be interviewing you today!
K M Krick: Thank you! It's a pleasure to be here. I don't usually do interviews, so I'm a little nervous about those deeply philosophical questions.
Me: Ha! Nothing to worry about here. Let's start with an easy question. How did you decide you wanted to be an editor? Give us your background.
K M Krick: Ok, I can answer this one easily! I began my editing career in 2012 as a proofreader. I proofread for a few authors before I edited my first published story in November 2012. With the love I had for proofreading and helping to fix an author’s baby, I became a freelance editor. Ironically, I wasn’t much of a reader prior to proofreading. I hadn’t read a book in many years. In fact, the first book I finally read after so many years was Fifty Shades of Grey. That’s where it all began for me.
Me: Oh, well, Fifty Shades of Grey seemed to turn a lot of people on, ahem, to reading! So, is it safe to assume romance is the genre you prefer to edit?
K M Krick: Romance is definitely my favorite genre to edit. Simply, I love the HEA.
Me: So, now, prepare yourself for that deeply philosophical question. What's the best and conversely, the worst part of the job?
K M Krick: The best part of being an editor is definitely meeting so many new people. I have formed many lifelong friendships with a lot of my authors. The worst part of the job would have to be a “nightmare” edit. I’m sure every editor has had one. It’s the edit that is so full of revisions, you just want to pull your hair out.
Me: What are you working on right now? Could you recommend any authors/books worth checking out?
K M Krick: I’m currently working on a few stories right now. I would love to recommend every author I have had the fortunate privilege to edit for. So I don’t leave anyone out, search my name on Amazon and you will see all these wonderful authors.
Me: I did a search (click here) and for anyone who loves romance, you have quite a selection for finding your next read! Okay, last question! As my editor - who I must say did a fantastic job, I was thrilled when you expressed how much you enjoyed Going Barefoot in Greener Grass. So, I know I'm tooting my own horn here, but could you share what you liked about the novel?
K M Krick: Aww, I’m blushing. Thank you for the very nice compliment. I love being your editor. My biggest fan, Sheri Wasik, sent you to me, and I couldn’t be more grateful to her. Yes, I loved Going Barefoot in Greener Grass. What I really liked about the story is how you intertwined the stories of two best friends who couldn’t be more different than each other. Your storytelling was so spot-on that it made me want to skip to the end of the story to find out how it ended. I was glued to every word.
Me: Aww, now I'm blushing! And, yes, I'm ever so grateful for our shared hair stylist extraordinaire, Sheri Wasik, for making this literary connection between us! Thank you so much for taking the time between edits to do this interview. So appreciated!
*Want to connect with K M Krick?
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