Five Thoughts:
(I almost went with 50 thoughts and then, I thought, mmm, no.)
1. Sometimes the book is better than the movie, but in this case I can say the opposite. The movie steadily unfolds (and undresses) with close similarity to the original plot. Plus, the repetitive phrases that were littered throughout the book are mostly reduced to visual innuendo. And, there's lots to, uh "view" ... trust me.
2. As for the casting, my fellow movie-goer friend agreed that the actress for Anastasia Steele looked the part while the actor for Christian Grey wasn't quite as captivating (pun intended).
*On a side note, I don't know why his curly hair reminded me of David Hasselhoff from his Knight Rider days. When I told this to my movie-goer friend, she said I just ruined the whole movie for her.
3. Then, there were a few "strategic" nude scenes when I couldn't stop picturing Austin Powers in front of a some prop while holding up two melons to cover the topless woman behind him.
4. I ate way too much buttered popcorn while viewing the movie.
(That's it. I needed a #4 and this is it. Get over it. #5 is really cool. Look.)
5. All this hype reminded me that I ran a fun post on the 50 Shades back when it was a red hot book.
If you need a good laugh and are a fan, it's a must-read! There's links at the bottom of the post of both Ellen DeGeneres and Gilbert Gottfried doing readings - hilarious!
Check it out:
Fifty Shades of Grey: What is it about this book?
So, what did you think of the movie? Comment here or on my Facebook Page!
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