Ah, sweet victory one year later!
(For the back story, check out "That Bitch Stole My Golden Egg" from last year: http://allthingsaudry.blogspot.com/2012/03/that-bitch-stole-my-golden-egg.html and then follow the link at the end to hop back here.)
Another year, another salon sponsored adult egg hunt with the chance of fabulous prizes (up to $500 gift card) and a brand new plan. I brought my husband, my dad and my brothers and informed them that a winning prize egg would save them big bucks on salon services we (as in myself, my mom and my sister-in-laws) were going to have done anyway. Plus, a winning egg basically guarantees a happy wife which as the saying goes means happy life. With the motivation in place, it was "go time"!
Sweet, sweet redemption - Golden Eggs aplenty!
Oh the "battle" stories that were shared over lunch! My husband swiped an egg from beneath a man's leg who had fallen to his stomach and tossed it to my brother - I wish I could see that on instant reply.
And what did we win?
Coupons for 1/2 off a mani or a pedi and a free facial!
Not bad considering last year, right?!?
Happy Easter!
You won't find my first novel inside a golden egg - but inside my novel you'll find plenty of LOL and OMG moments! So hop on one of these links and be entertained this weekend. Just think, at $2.99 you'll have cash left over for that pedi - and something to read while the polish dries - A win-win!
Kindle: http://www.amazon.com/Going-Barefoot-Greener-Grass-ebook/dp/B004O6MR2A
Nook: http://www.barnesandnoble.com/w/going-barefoot-in-greener-grass-audry-fryer/1107351346?ean=2940013595170