Wednesday, March 27, 2013

The Redemption of the Golden Egg

Ah, sweet victory one year later!  

(For the back story, check out  "That Bitch Stole My Golden Egg" from last year: and then follow the link at the end to hop back here.)

Another year, another salon sponsored adult egg hunt with the chance of fabulous prizes (up to $500 gift card) and a brand new plan.  I brought my husband, my dad and my brothers and informed them that a winning prize egg would save them big bucks on salon services we (as in myself, my mom and my sister-in-laws) were going to have done anyway.  Plus, a winning egg basically guarantees a happy wife which as the saying goes means happy life.  With the motivation in place, it was "go time"!


Sweet, sweet redemption - Golden Eggs aplenty!

Oh the "battle" stories that were shared over lunch!  My husband swiped an egg from beneath a man's leg who had fallen to his stomach and tossed it to my brother - I wish I could see that on instant reply.  

And what did we win?
Coupons for 1/2 off a mani or a pedi and a free facial!
Not bad considering last year, right?!?

Happy Easter!

You won't find my first novel inside a golden egg - but inside my novel you'll find plenty of LOL and OMG moments!  So hop on one of these links and be entertained this weekend.  Just think, at $2.99 you'll have cash left over for that pedi - and something to read while the polish dries - A win-win!

Friday, March 22, 2013

A Long Way to Go

Just like Spring-time in my area has a long way to go in the temperature department, so do I with the publication of my next novel.  However, like these crocuses, the brave first flowers of the new season, I have completed the first draft of Secrets, Lies and Apple Pies!

Now, for the long way to go:  Time to read what I wrote - yikes, I hope it's good.  And then, in April, after the egg hunts are over, I'll be on a new hunt: for a little something called "Beta Readers".  That's a fancy name for anyone willing to read an unpublished novel and give feedback on what works and what doesn't.  Perks are you get to read a full length novel for free and score big karma points!

If you want to be my "beta" (reader), drop me a comment here on the blog or on my FB page:

Happy Spring!  
And, "Audry and Audrey, Part 2" is coming very soon!  I have a DVD with three "Audrey" movies - first up, has to be Breakfast at Tiffany's.

March is the month for everything green.  If you haven't already, check out Going Barefoot in Greener Grass!

Friday, March 15, 2013

How cool is that?

I was invited to provide a guest post on another blog.  And, today it’s on! Again, how cool is that? 

Please visit Humorist – Bliss Follower – Writer: Becky Lewellen Povich at  Not only is Becky a fabulous writer and blogger friend, but she also has an awesome sense of humor.  (I know that because she told me she found several of my recent posts amusing – so, yes, she is awesome and so is her sense of humor.)  Plus, her blog is supercool - you'll see what I mean immediately upon bringing it up!  

Thanks for inviting me to be today’s Volunteer Guest Blogger, Becky!  I’m so excited to be a part of your wonderful blog.

*Are you still here?  Normally, I’d say that’s great – but, today, I’m saying go check out my post, “Audry and Audrey (and My Missing “e”)” at