Red, White, Blue and …Grey?
Yes, it’s true, my blog friends, I will be spending some part of this patriotic holiday reading the wildly popular novel, Fifty Shades of Grey, written by none other than a British author. While the signers of the Declaration of Independence may be offended by my “treason”, I’m sure if this book was around back then, their wives would have been assembling at Martha Washington’s place to discuss it.
The fact is I’ve succumbed to both peer pressure and an incurable case of curiosity, in part to the fact that I have been chosen as the next book club location and because I’ve been wondering, “What is it about this book?”
So, far I’m four chapters in and not whole lot has happened …yet.
There’s a girl: of course far too innocent, and there’s a guy: hot, wealthy and powerful.
The guy has had a “ghost of smile” about ten times so far and the girl has denied a different guy, Jose, his chance to date her.
I just wish she would have actually said, “No way Jose!”
Anyway, it has been promised on nearly every page that the girl and the guy (not Jose) are going to “do it” and “do it” weird.
Well, the 4th of July is all about fireworks, right?
…even it if you find them in a book!
Stay tuned for a future post of my thoughts on the book once I finish it!
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