Tuesday, April 26, 2011

A Wise Ferris Once Said...

Cue Ben Stein's mundane voice:

"Blogger ..."


"Blogger ..."

Oh, hey, I'm here! Well, mostly. 

Candy Hangover, Day 2:  Yesterday's vow to lay off the sweet stuff lasted until 10 a.m.  Today, I have hidden the chocolate in freezer and sent away all other various forms of sugar placing them high and out of reach. I think the chocolate just texted me to let them out.  Uh-oh.  It's only 10:15. 

In the midst of having every family member over to our house for a sugar fueled, egg hunting, Easter party of a good time, the most amazing thing happened.  A flash of blue caught my eye as I had been hurrying back and forth from the kitchen to the picnic table for the one hundredth time.  Easter in my corner of the world had dawned sunny and warm with only the threat of thunderstorms much, much later.  There on my neighbor's fence perched a blue bird, with the coloring of the brightest blue whistling a happy tune.  I stopped in my tracks.  

Every major holiday, it's the same: rush around cleaning, shopping, cooking/baking, preparing... I had joked, "Do it once and it becomes a tradition!" It's exhausting, yet not to do it would be too terrible to even consider.  Inevitably, I glaze over wishing for a nap or a few minutes of peace.  It's then that I remind myself, "The kids are only this little for a short while.  We're all together today, cousins, aunts, uncles, grand-parents. Enjoy it."  And so, this past Sunday thanks to the blue bird, I paused.  For a brief moment, time had stopped.  I acknowledged the memories being made right on the spot, in the same way as the million photos I had been taking all weekend.
Now back to Ferris Bueller's Day Off circa 1986.  A wise Ferris once said,  "Life moves pretty fast. If you don't stop and look around once in a while, you could miss it."


  1. That blue bird was amazing! Every time I see one I pause myself and reflect back to a simpler time when I was a child and loved to spend time with my Pop Pop... Ever since he has passed when I see a blue bird I stop and think of my childhood and how quickly it passed - so now I have an everyday reminder of that time and his love with me always... I love this post because it is so true about our little ones - not a day goes by when Sawyer doesn't say I can't wait to be in high school or be a grown up - I say stop - you are only a kid ONCE...enjoy it while you can! Hopefully 30 years from now when they have all their kids together they can stop and gaze over at the blue bird and remember the "old days"!!

  2. Glad to find another who is committed to squeezing the best there is out of every moment! Carpe Diem!

  3. I love how in spite of your hurrying to get things ready for your special day, you still took the time to stop and look at the blue bird. And you're right, sometimes we make all kinds of sacrifices for our children, yet it's so worthwhile when you think of the beautiful memories you provide not only for them but for yourself.

  4. Great post and great movie. And, I can relate to the attempts at sugar purging only to run to my hidden dark chocolate stash. I rationalize dark chocolate has less sugar and antioxidants - it's healthy and should most definitely be a major food group! LOL.

    All the best,


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