Saturday, June 1, 2013

With a Little Help From My Friends!

Click here to check it out! 
 After over two years of working on my second novel, I have come as far as I can go with Secrets, Lies and Apple Pies.  I've read it over and over and over, deleted scenes, added more details and re-read the entire novel out loud.  (I lost my voice for three days after reading 100 pages out loud in one sitting!)

Now I need your help.  For the month of June only, Secrets, Lies and Apple Pies will be on sale for Kindle.(Click here for the link.) And here's where you my fabulous readers come in - I'm looking for proofreaders, your inner critic and, most of all, cheerleaders to help make this a best-seller! Any constructive feedback you are generous enough to give me will qualify you to be named (with your permission) in the Acknowledgements of the final revised version due to be released in September, 2013.

It will be free, just not yet! I had intended to put Secrets, Lies and Apple Pies up for free the entire month of June.  Amazon basically said, "Not so fast, Chickie!"  I'm paraphrasing but basically I had to enroll in their Select program making Secrets, Lies and Apple Pies exclusive to Kindle for 90 days.  Within those 90 days, I can have five days where I can do a FREE give-away.  So, if 99 cents is too much for your budget (all proceeds go towards my coffee/wine fund - so I thank you for your donation), then watch for an announcement of the FREE days!

The Secrets, Lies and Apple Pies Team - The coolest thing about helping with your feedback is that you get to be part of The Secrets, Lies and Apple Pies Team.  You can be a part of making a best-seller - a best-seller with your name in the Acknowledgements.  How awesome would that be?  And, of course, you will earn my ever lasting appreciation!

Thanks, friends!  Now go check it out: click here!

Click here to check it out - Thanks so much!